How to manage Groups and People Sets
Preliminary notes about Groups
- Anyone who has an account in Workplace (including 'Guests') can create Groups.
- Anyone who has access to a Group may reply to any 'Post'. However, making an initial 'Post' can be moderated. See (below) section 'Admin and Moderation Access'.
- When you create a Group, you automatically become the admin for it.
- The default department group memberships are controlled by 'People Sets'. See (below) for 'How to manage People Sets' for more information.
How to create a new group
- To create a new Group, go to 'Admin' and then 'Groups'.

- Enter a meaningful name for the Group (see example form below). Please note: The application keeps a record of all groups ever created. Changing a Groups name may be a better alternative then creating a new one, in the event that a spelling or grammar mistake has been made.
- Select the 'Privacy' settings. The default option is 'Closed'. Note the differences between the options.

- Members can be added after the Group has been created. Membership can also be managed by 'People Sets'
- Membership rules can be created here, however this is covered in the "people sets' documentation (How to manage Group Sets)
- Enabling 'Chat' will allow members to send private messages to each other. Currently there is no moderation or visibility of these messages, so it should be disabled until further notice.
- There is only one instance of Workplace, therefore the 'Multi-company group' is disabled.
- Select 'Create Group' to complete the process.
How to delete a Group
- Select the Group noted for deletion. Please Note: Deleting a Group will remove all the content from it. There is no way to recover this data, once the Group has been removed.
- Select members and remove everyone from the Group

- Once everyone is removed from the group, a message will appear as below. Confirm the deletion.

Admin and Moderation Access
- Admin access will allow a person in the Group to add and remove people from it. It will also provide Moderation rights to approve posts.
- Moderation access will allow a person to moderate posts. Replies to posts cannot be moderated.
To provide Admin or Moderation rights to an account, follow these steps:
- Open the Group and select the 'Members' tab.

- Select the three-dot menu and select either 'invite as admin' or 'invite as moderator'.

- To remove Admin and Moderation access, follow these steps:
- Go to the Group, Members and select the three-dot menu (as above).
- Select one of the following options.

How to Manage People Sets
- People Sets can be created to add (and remove) people automatically from Groups.
- If the 'Remove' option is used to manage a Group, staff will not be able to add people or remove people manually, from it.
- As People Sets rules depend on user account variables, they cannot be created, until the variable exists.
- For ease of use, it is recommended that the 'People Set' be given the same name as the 'Group' or whatever profile variable is going to be used.
To create a People Set, follow these steps:
- Select 'Admin', 'People' and then 'People Sets'.

- Give the Set a meaningful name and select, from the drop-down menu, 'Sync with profile fields' and then 'Next'.

- Select 'Select profile fields'

- Select the profile item that is required for the people set. In the example below 'Department' will be used.
- Select 'Contains Any Of' and then enter the details of the Profile requirement. Select 'Update And review' once the selections have been made'. In the example below, 'Information Communication& Technology' will be used.
- Confirm that the details are correct and select 'Save'.