Find MFA status for accounts in Azure AD
Script name: MFAuserStatus.ps1
The script can be found on Tempest - C:\scripts\AzureAD
Cannot be run from the DC due to security settings.
How to run the script
- Copy the script from the server, onto your local machine
- From your local PC – run PowerShell as an Administrator
Run this command: Import-Module MSOnline
- You will get the following warning. It is a Microsoft cmdlet, so select ‘Y’ to continue the install
Once completed, run this command: Connect-MsolService
- Authentication to Azure will be required
- Once Authentication has been approved, change the path to the location of where the script is installed on the local machine
Run the script: .\MFAuserStatus.ps1 | Export-Csv -Path "c:\temp\MFA_users.csv" -NoTypeInformation
- The path location and file name can be changed to suit local requirements