Creating a new account for Momentus Elite (Including SSO)
Before creating the Momentus account
- Ensure there is an Azure Active Directory account, otherwise SSO will not work.
- Ensure that a Momentus Elite 'Role' has been specified in the request Ticket.
- Additional approval may be required, if a user has requested 'System Admin' access.
Login URL:
To create an account in Momentus
- Login to Momentus Elite and select 'System Admin'.
- Enter the user's name.
- Enter the user's email address - it must be the 'User Logon Name' format, otherwise SSO will not work.
- If 'System Admin' access is required, select the drop-down menu and select 'System Admin'.
- To apply the 'Role' in the request form, select the drop-down menu and select the appropriate box.
- Select 'Save and add another' to finalize the account.
- Once the account is created, an activation email will need to be sent.
Please note: The user account list is sorted in Momentus as active, first, then pending and then disabled accounts.
- Seach within the user list and find the account that has just been created and click on the name.
- Select the option 'Send Activation Email'.
- The email may go to the 'Junk' folder.
How to configure SSO:
- If the icon does not appear, search for 'Enterprise Application' in the 'Search' field.
- Once the applications appear (this can take a few seconds) search for 'Momentus'.
- Select the Application and then go to 'Users and Groups'
- QPAC does not have access to add a security group, so users will need to be added individually.
- To add the account, select 'Add user/group'.
- Search and select the user.
- The account will now be enabled for SSO.